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Financial projections and analysis

Preparation of financial forecasts


Your financial projection is your business plan in numbers. Many entrepreneurs find that preparing a financial forecast is the most intimidating aspect of developing a business plan. Even MBAs who have studied finance and accounting can have trouble figuring out where to start. We can help.

Whether you are starting a small physical business or a high-growth technology company, we can help you prepare an appropriate financial model for your specific situation.

Our financial modeling process will distill the essence of your business into a manageable number of basic assumptions and cause-and-effect relationships so that you can distinguish between what is important and what is not.


WAMUS CONSULTORES Gold Standard financial model


Our most comprehensive financial model is a powerful tool that helps you visualize how your company's finances will evolve, month by month. Some venture capitalists call it "the best financial forecast I've ever seen."

We can customize our financial forecasting model to suit any type of business or create a new financial model from scratch depending on the circumstances. The process is both  art as science  and we have the experience to help you get it right.

In customizing the model for your needs, we strive to follow several guiding principles:

  1. We develop simplifying assumptions to reduce the number of "moving parts" in your business. This allows you and your audience to focus on a more manageable number of assumptions.

  2. We establish cause and effect relationships so that when a variable changes, everything that depends on that variable also changes. For example, your "technical support" template may be a function of the number of customers you have.


Some of the other key features of our gold standard model are:

  • Income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement.

  • Monthly details with quarterly and annual summaries.

  • Assumptions are color-coded, documented, and organized by category.

  • Extensive error checking to help detect errors quickly.

  • Create a PDF of the entire model with one click.

  • Operating expenses grouped by department.

  • Key ratios such as revenue per employee so you can compare them to industry standards.

Other services related to finance


WAM US Consultores offers other services related to finance:

  • Capital Formation Strategy - We can assess growth opportunities for your business plan and help you develop an appropriate capital formation strategy. In doing so, we analyze your capital needs, assess your capital structure, and identify the appropriate sources of capital (friends and family, angels, venture capital, grants, SBA guaranteed loans, bank financing, internal cash flow, etc. ) to help you reach your full potential.

  • Valuations: We can help you estimate the value of a company for the purposes of an investment, sale, merger or acquisition. See our page  valuation services  for more details.

  • Risk Analysis and Management: What Can Go Wrong and What Can You Do About It? Every business faces a unique set of risks. Identifying, analyzing, and mitigating those risks can provide peace of mind and a strong competitive advantage. We can help you identify and quantify these risks through a risk audit and the development of sophisticated risk models. Some of the techniques we can employ include the development of Monte Carlo simulation models so that you can visualize the full range of potential results.

  • Spreadsheet Audit - You have created a complex spreadsheet. Are you sure there are no bugs? Would you bet on it? Almost all of the spreadsheets we have examined have at least one significant defect (and numerous small defects). We are experts in finding and fixing problems, so let us help you!

  • Other financial analysis: We can help with a wide variety of other financial and statistical analysis, ranging from product profitability analysis to new opportunity evaluation, Monte Carlo simulations and scenario analysis. If it can be done in a spreadsheet, we can do it.

I would like more information on how to prepare a financial forecast!


For an assessment of your needs and an estimate of the fee, please let us know how to contact you:

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La mejor y más rápida forma de ponerse en contacto con el consultor adecuado es completando nuestro formulario de contacto .


Blvd. Agua Caliente No. 4558

22014, Tijuana, BC


Tels: 800 - 626-3236

     664 - 806-0452

     664 - 142-9583

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