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Strategic and tactical planning

what is the strategic planification?


The strategic planning process is an extremely important executive function. The most durable companies plan horizons of 3-5 years, one year and 90 days.


Energy is invested in developing key goals each quarter and achievements are managed on a weekly basis. A well-written strategic plan is the only document that can be used to accomplish the following:

  • Align the efforts of the entire workforce.

  • Reinforce the culture of the organization.

  • Share management's vision of where the company is and your vision of where it is going.

  • Define short and long term goals.

  • Set clear and measurable milestones that mark progress toward important goals.

  • Define metrics that can be used daily / weekly to measure short-term progress and enable accountability.

  • Define clear responsibility for goals and objectives.

  • Guide decisions and actions throughout the year.


What does WAMUS CONSULTORES offer?

  • Strategy development: A good strategy is the antidote to competition. Strategic thinking is the process of developing a strategy that defines your value proposition and unique value chain. This process includes competitive and market research, as well as an assessment of the company's capabilities and the industry forces that affect it.

  • Strategic plan development: We will facilitate and create a workable strategic plan that will be used for day-to-day decision making. It can be used to implement your strategy, align the efforts of your workforce, reinforce the culture of the organization, share management's vision of where the company is and its vision of where the company is heading, define long-term objectives and short-term, set clear and measurable milestones that mark progress toward important goals and define metrics that can be used daily or weekly to measure short-term progress. The plan creates accountability for the achievement of goals.

  • Managing Strategic Plan Execution - This is where rubber meets the road and where many organizations struggle. It is the most critical component of the process. We will help you implement a system to track execution and create accountability for you and your team to execute and realize the planned change in the strategic plan.

Learn more about our strategic planning services


For an assessment of your needs and an estimate of the fee, please let us know how to contact you:

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La mejor y más rápida forma de ponerse en contacto con el consultor adecuado es completando nuestro formulario de contacto .


Blvd. Agua Caliente No. 4558

22014, Tijuana, BC


Tels: 800 - 626-3236

     664 - 806-0452

     664 - 142-9583

  • Whatsapp

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© 2020 for WAM US  Consultants & Personal Coach. Created by SThomas Camsa .

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