Do you need help to improve your business plan?
If your company already has a business plan, it is probably not as good as it could be. In fact, it can be terrible, at least from a potential investor's perspective. This can be difficult, if not impossible, to see and even more difficult to accept.
Why? Because you've spent an enormous amount of time and effort writing your business plan, or you've paid someone else good money to do it. No one knows your business better or believes in it as much as you do.
Everyone you showed the plan to - family, friends, employees, and associates - tells you it's great.
But the truth is that the vast majority of business plans, even those written by investment and business planning professionals, are not very good. There are many reasons for this:

Most plans sell, sell, and sell . It is common to see business plans written like marketing brochures. That's natural, isn't it? After all, you are trying to sell your business to investors. Well yes and no. Investors don't care what you think of your business. They look for facts that they can objectively consider. A good business plan is analytical and factual. Investors will come to their own conclusions.
The plan overemphasizes product features or market opportunities . Or both. But most business plans neglect key aspects of the business model, such as risk and competitive analysis, a well thought out marketing strategy, and a discussion of the skills that the management team possesses. You will not persuade investors by trying to convince them that your product or service is the best or that the market is in dire need without covering that no one else sees. That approach leaves too many questions unanswered.
The plan doesn't really discuss the business . While most investors have their preferences when it comes to industries and business types, their primary interest is not what you sell or who your customers are. By overselling and focusing on products and markets, most business plans do not tell investors what they are most interested in knowing: how, in the next 3-5 years, you are going to receive much more cash than you spend. . You must demonstrate a clear understanding of the cost of everything the business needs to do to achieve its revenue goals. And you also need to demonstrate that you understand the time issues involved in managing working capital needs, expanding payroll, and ongoing customer acquisition expenses.
The plan makes it seem like the business just can't fail . People who invest in startups and early-stage ventures are in the business of taking risks. And everything in their experience tells them that companies like yours are inherently risky. Which in fact they are. Most startups fail due to overconfidence, lack of customer orientation, management mistakes, poor financial discipline, bad luck, or some combination thereof. If you have convinced yourself that your business is a success, you are not focusing on the risks that investors will surely do. A good business plan presents investors with a lucid and balanced assessment of the risks they will take with their money.
Benefits of the business plan makeover
The business plan makeover that WAM US Consultores offers you these benefits:
Your plan will be transformed into one that has the right tone, content, structure, and appearance. It will communicate competition even before it is read.
We will evaluate your plan as an investor would. If you don't meet our standards, you won't meet theirs.
You will have the opportunity to correct any errors or fill any "gaps" in the plan before you begin to distribute it.
You will gain valuable perspective on your business, customers, and operations by working with us.
You will be able to discuss your plan with investors with a better understanding of their needs and expectations.
You will be able to run your business model with the benefit of greater insight and confidence based on a realistic assessment of the risks and challenges you face.
The WAM US Consultants Business Plan Makeover is a quick, affordable, and indispensable way to make sure your business plan is the best it can be.
I need a business plan makeover!
For an assessment of your needs and an estimate of the fee, please let us know how to contact you: